
Chip Tapeouts completed and their characteristics

Liquid Nitrogen based Cryogenic testing facility with open loop LN2 dewars and Cold Plate capable of testing packaged dies mounted on printed circuit boards (PCBs).

Cryogenic probe station with 4 and 6 probing arms for wafer probing, both cryogen free, lowest temperature attainable 4.8K.

Closed Cycle Cryostat capable of testing packaged dies, Lowest temperature-4.2K (Liquid Helium Based).

Top-Bottom-Left-Right: With Prof. Yu Cao at CoCoSys Inaugural Annual Review, With Prof. Jan Rabaey at IEDM 2021, With Prof. Madhavan Swaminathan at Packaging Research Center Anniversary, At Vienna ISLPED 2023, With President of Georgia Institute of Technology Angel Cabrera during visit to Prof. Suman Datta's Lab, At Hawaii ASC 2022, At University of Notre Dame ASCENT Annual Review.